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Ingeniería y Prevencion de Riesgos, S.L.

The services provided by Ingeniería y Prevención de Riesgos in Norway are especially aimed at Engineering and Construction companies that are going to implement or develop projects in Norway. These services could be summarized in the following:

  • Previous studies of requirements of the country in the field of Risk Prevention and Health and Safety in Construction and Engineering.
  • Consulting and collaboration in the integration of safety in design (Safety in Design) in the different stages of the projects (Design, Planning Phase, Pre-execution Phase)
  • Provision of Expert Technicians in Health and Safety for all types of Construction projects.

We’re pleased to recommend the company Enter Norway. It’s a company whose mission is to facilitate the procedures for the entry of companies and workers into the Norwegian market.

As always when you have relationships with companies from other countries, it’s advisable to understand the cultures and requirements of each country and from there, clearly establish the objectives and needs. In this regard, Enter Norway and its staff have been very understanding and have always been willing to solve our needs.

We reiterate our initial recommendation hoping that it will be taken as a reference for the benefit of that company.

Juan Burzaco Samper.
Managing Director